
Aissistant supports any kind of publicly accessible website as assets

At this moment, we only support public accessible websites. We may also have challenge accessing websites protected by service like CloudFlare.

Click “Assets” from the left sight panel of your Aissist dashboard, you can then build your knowledge base with websites.

What to provide?

  • You only need to provide a domain name for Aissistant to work with all the pages in that domain.

  • You can provide a list of sub-domains to exclude some sub-domains out of the scope;

  • You can also provide a list of pages, but we don’t recommend that.

How does the engine work?

Aissistant Composite Engine (proprietary technology) uses provided domain(s) as source of information (asset) when searching for relevant information to answer user’s inquires.

Additionally, we offer an assets debugger on the same page. Here, you can enter keywords or questions, and the debugger will generate a list of relevant information along with its sources. This allows you to confirm the accuracy of the information retrieved. It also enables you to identify and resolve any discrepancies or conflicts within the returned data.

Currently, our engine can only understand text, but we are working on a version that understand the images as well.

Last updated