
How to create gateway to Hubspot

Select "Gateways" from your Aissist left side panel, click "Add Gateway", choose Hubspot and then follow the instructions to finish the setup.

Auto-Pilot and Auto-Draft

During creation of Gateway, you can choose between Auto-Pilot and Auto-draft. Learn more about Auto-Pilot, Auto-Draft and Co-Pilot …

How does Aissistant work in Hubspot?

Aissistant works, largely, in similar way as human, creating response, draft, comment, tag, and summary.

Auto Response

Aissistant generates the most contextually appropriate responses from the massive information you have.

Create Tag

Aissistant produces the tags based on the context to help you better manage and organize the engagements, with ease.

Summary and Streamline with Human

Aissistant is equipped with self-awareness to auto-detect the needs for human help or follow up and creates summaries so that you don’t miss any important leads or information.

Last updated