Deploy Gateway

Gateway is integration / connection between Aissistant and Agent Platforms

How does it work?

Aissistant works seamlessly with supported Agent Platforms through API and plugin

How to connect gateway?

To connect a gateway, go to your dashboard, Gateways from the left side panel and then click the "ADD GATEWAY" button. Then you can select an agent platform and follow the instructions to finish the connect.

Auto-Pilot, Auto-Draft, and Co-PIlot

You can config the mode for Aissistant in a gateway

  • Auto-Pilot: Aissistant monitors the managing point (Inbox or Channel), automatically responds based on the conversational context and provided assets.

  • Auto-Draft: Aissistant ONLY creates drafts which will be reviewed, modified then sent by human team

  • Co-Pilot: Aissistant ONLY generates response, draft and summary when human team click the button in right-side panel of the agent platform.

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Supported Agent Platforms

We have currently released our support for FrontApp, Gorgias, Intercom, Zendesk and Hubspot. We will extend our support to many other platforms soon.

Aissistant Gateway works on either Inbox or Channel (managing point), depending on Agent Platform. Please see the table below for details.

Last updated