Adobe Commerce (Magento 2)


Aissist is capable of connecting with Adobe Commerce (Magento 2), enabling it to handle order, shipping, return, and inventory. Currently, Aissist can only read your store's data, which includes customer details, orders, inventory, fulfillment processes, shipping, and returns. Soon, Aissist will upgrade to include write access, paving the way for complete automation of customer service.

Adobe Commerce Integration

Generate Adobe Commerce Access Token

Follow the guide Create an integration and access token in Adobe Commerce to create Access Token in your Adobe Commerce store. Make sure at least the following scopes are permitted.

  • reading Store

  • reading Customer

  • reading Invoices

  • reading Orders

  • reading Returns

  • reading Shipments

  • reading CreditMemo

  • reading Integration (optional)

  • reading Inventory (optional)

  • reading Product (optional)

Important: Please follow the guide Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer tokens to permit the created access token to be used in integration.

Create Adobe Commerce integration on

Sign in to your account and select 'Integration' from the side panel. Then choose 'Adobe Commerce' from the available options. A window will pop out, enter a name, your Adobe Commerce Store URL, store code (by default "default"), and your access token created in the above step. Here's an example:

Smart Actions

There are several smart actions that automatically come with the Adobe Commerce integration. You can modify when they will be called.

It is okay to choose both "run at session start" and "run at interaction" one specific action.

Those actions come with defined description and parameters. You can change those pre-defined definition by following customized smart action.

Customized Smart Actions

The Adobe Commerce integration comes with default Smart Action which can satisfy majority of needs. However, you can create customized Smart Actions if there is a need to do so.

To do this, head to your Aissist dashboard and click on 'Integration' in the side panel, then choose "customized action", followed by 'add action'. When creating a new action, a Smart Action Builder window will pop up. Here, you need to input a name and description for the action, select the Adobe Commerce integration, and then choose a method. Currently, there are three methods available: getOrder, getCustomer, and getCustomerOrders. The getOrder method allows you to obtain comprehensive details of an order using its ID. The getCustomer method can fetch all information related to a customer using their email. Lastly, getCustomerOrders can retrieve a customer’s entire order history using their email.

Test Smart Action

After the Smart Action is added, you can test its functionality on the debug panel.

Last updated