

WooCommerce seamlessly connects with the WordPress REST API, enabling users to perform various operations such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting data on their WooCommerce store. This includes handling coupons, orders, customers, products, refunds, and more. A comprehensive overview of the WooCommerce API is available here.

Utilizing Aissist's Integration and Smart Action capabilities, our AI can access WooCommerce's REST API to retrieve necessary data tailored to your requirements. Below are the instructions for integrating the WooCommerce API with Aissist.

Step 1: Generate WooCommerce API Key

Navigate to your WooCommerce dashboard and select 'Settings', followed by 'Advanced', and then 'REST API'. Here, you have the option to create an API key. Remember to copy both the key and secret, as they will not be displayed again once you leave the page. Below is an example of generating a key.

Step2: Enable Restful API Integration on Aissist

Sign in to your aissist.io account and select 'Smart Action' then 'Integration' from the side panel. Then choose 'Restful API' from the available options. A window will pop out, enter a name, your WooCommerce API URL, and your consumer key and secret for authentication. Here's an example:

Step 3: Create Smart Actions

Select 'Smart Action' from the side panel of your aissist.io dashboard, then choose 'ADD ACTION'. Pick your new action and, in the Smart Action Builder window, enter the Name, Description, Integration method, and the API URL along with any parameters it may require. The URL can vary depending on the functionality you need. Consult the WooCommerce API manual for the precise URL. In the Smart Action Builder, you can also specify the action to run after another action, therefore build an action chain for smooth automation. Below are some examples.

Example 1: Get a customer using email

URL: https://woo-always-winged-xylophone.wpcomstaging.com/wp-json/wc/v3/customers

Method: get


email: string, customer email

Example 2: List a customer’s orders

URL: https://woo-always-winged-xylophone.wpcomstaging.com/wp-json/wc/v3/orders

Method: get


customer: string, customer ID

Notes: We specify this action to run after GetCustomer, so the AI can get a customer’s details and his orders at once.

Example 3: Get details of an order

URL: https://woo-always-winged-xylophone.wpcomstaging.com/wp-json/wc/v3/orders/{id}

Method: get


id: string, order ID

Step 4: Test Smart Action

After the Smart Action is added, you can test its functionality on the debug panel.

Last updated